The Risks of DIY Windshield Repair


A broken windshield affects your vehicle’s security and your safety so it’s important to have it repaired as soon as possible. Diamond Auto Glass is thrilled to offer windshield repair and replacement in Winslow, AZ. However, many of the residents of our community will often try to repair the damage themselves using DIY kits to save up on repair costs.

If you ask any professional who specializes in windshield repair in Winslow, AZ about these kits, they’re likely to respond with a big sigh and a roll of the eyes. While these kits are advertised as being just as effective as having the issue remedied professionally, the truth is that they usually cause more harm than good.

Epoxy is a Tricky Substance

Most of these kits include an epoxy and purport that when used correctly, the epoxy will seal any cracks permanently. Besides the fact that these commercial epoxies aren’t as effective as the materials that professionals use, epoxy is also extremely messy and difficult with which to work. The average novice won’t be able to work with this sticky substance correctly and will often create an uneven finish that blocks visibility more than the initial crack did. You might even need a complete windshield replacement in Winslow, AZ as a result of a failed attempt to fix a crack with one of these epoxies.

It’s Not a Permanent Fix

Many of these kits advertise that they offer a permanent solution to a cracked windshield. Even if a vehicle owner is able to work with the epoxy to create some semblance of a solution, the seal isn’t going to be strong enough to handle everyday wear and tear. The second you go over a speed bump, you’re likely to see the epoxy loosen and the crack to lengthen, which will most certainly result in the need for a brand new windshield installation in Winslow, AZ.

Avoid these DIY kits and contact the professionals at Diamond Auto Glass instead. In addition to windshield repair, we also offer installation and windshield tinting in Winslow, AZ. Contact us today.

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1929 N Fourth St
Flagstaff, AZ 86004

Cracked Windshield?

Diamond Auto Glass in Flagstaff is Northern Arizona's #1 windshield and auto glass repair and replacement company. We'll fix you up in hours when you're in a pinch.